The Hidden Thai Gem of the CBD
Written?&?Photos by (作者,图片来源): Summer Kong 孔维阁
Hidden within the many blocks of Ningbo’s Southern Business District lies a hidden gem. When exiting from the elevator we were greeted by a bright green sign covered with bold text reading “Yes Or No” and “Take Out is the New Art.” The strange slogan is nothing compared to the nature of the place. When one thinks of a Thai joint there’s mock architecture and fancy seating and silverware. Yes Or No is much simpler. The minimalist space is open and pleasing to the eye. Thai decorations and paintings are replaced with clean wooden benches, metal chairs, a football table and funky art. A refreshing change from your ordinary Thai restaurant.
Opening a restaurant in a space meant for an office is a bold move. Its also a little strange, as Ningbo isn’t like Hong Kong, there is ample room to start a restaurant, but there is a method to the madness. “Yes Or No doesn’t target the average restaurant goer or someone only just here to eat,” says owner Cui Hua. Customers are mainly regulars and people in search of good cuisine. This target and the concept all play in with the name. Cui Hua tells me proudly that “our restaurant is the meaning of Yes Or No. Its either good or not good, you like it or don’t like it. We therefore strive to make sure our diners say ‘Yes’ and come back for more.”
Yes Or No focuses mainly on Northern Thai cuisine, specifically the cuisine from the former capital Chiang Mai, which came to promise in the 13th Century. Northern Thai is the most exciting in the country’s culinary art. Usually Chiang Mai cuisine is geared toward people with a more experienced palette. The food is characterized by its hot and sour flavors, delicately balancing between hot and sweet, warm and savory.
Following the spirit of the 2013 film Personal Tailor, Yes Or No takes the idea seriously. Each dish can be tailored to specific tastes. The restaurant doesn’t just stop at tailoring on the spot, but you can call a day in advance to let them know how many people are coming, whether or not there will be children, what everyone likes to eat and if there are any special dietary needs and the kitchen staff will make a meal just for you. Yes Or No not only provides Thai cuisine, but they also have Western dishes and Cantonese food as well.
One glance at Yes Or No’s take-out menu, with its craft paper and kitsch design backs up the feeling of the restaurant and the feeling that this food is art. Yes or No has affordable prices, is suitable for students and young workers. Whether it’s a set meal, snack, dessert, beverage, afternoon or late-night snack, whatever you’re in the mood for, you will definitely say ‘Yes’ to Yes Or No.
我在一个夏季忽晴忽雨的午后来到了藏在宁波南部商务区一幢写字楼里的泰国私房菜——Yes Or No。电梯门刚打开,映入眼帘的是——Yes Or No外卖味觉艺术的时尚字样。走进店里,富有西洋风格的整套餐具,洋溢着复古风的挂牌,印有巴萨图标的桌式足球机,它们构成了Yes Or No的第一道风景线。在接下来不到一个小时的时间里,我看到了更多Yes Or No熠熠生辉的闪光点。
把一家餐厅开在写字楼里是一个非常冒险的决定,因为宁波目前仍是一个宜居的温暖城市,并非如香港般具有不可思议的房价与实属稀有的土地,餐厅落户在大厦中似乎都是司空见惯的事。店里的负责人翠花说,Yes Or No不以流动客户为目标,客户对象主要是老客户和以老客户为中心发展的人脉圈。主打以具有特色的菜品和小清新的就餐环境来吸引客户,小众而有情调。在谈天的过程中,我也问到了翠花为什么为一家泰式餐厅取名为Yes Or No的西洋名,她带有一点小骄傲的说:“我们店的主旨就会像Yes Or No的意义所在一样,是与不是,暗含了好与不好。既然我们选择去做这样一家餐厅,就会尽力把它做到最好,中庸则是我们所不为欣赏的一种态度。”
早在13世纪,清迈就被当时的国王定为泰国的首都,有着源远流长历史的它,不论是在地理环境还是民俗民风方面,都有着自成一家的气质。在美食方面也不例外,泰北菜是泰国菜中最重口味的菜系,相对于儿童或是年长的人士,年轻的80、90后群体更加偏爱调味独特的清迈菜系。Yes Or No结合自身特点,致力于制造酸辣浓郁的美食飨宴,品味生活乐趣。
2013年年末,一部贺岁喜剧片《私人定制》欢乐上映。“私人定制”这个名词在寻常百姓中再也不是陌生的词汇。Yes Or No结合当下美食趋势,强势推出私人定制的特色美食服务。客人们可以提前一天将就餐人数,就餐人的年龄类型,口味特点,特殊要求等告诉Yes Or No,顾客们可预约私人定制特色的聚餐套包。Yes Or No不仅提供泰式佳肴,西餐与粤菜同样是餐厅擅长的领域。
第一眼看到Yes Or No的外卖单,复古感的牛皮纸,充满小清新气质的字样,一下子便抓住了你想要认真读取美食的内心。并不昂贵的价格,适合在校学生及年轻的上班一族。简餐,小食,甜品,饮品,如果你想中午想填饱肚子或是晚餐后来点夜宵,都是非常不错的选择。
Yes Or No Thai Restaurant
Business Hours: 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Address: Hengwei Building, Block C Room 302, Southern Business District, South First Street, Yinzhou District
Take-out | 外卖: 0574-83031771
WeChat | 微信: yesorno_2014